Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Custom Doctor Who Titles

I've now finished and uploaded them! (well kind of - the 1970 Jon Pertwee version is not up yet becuase the video wont export as a WMV file, but I will have it up soon)

Heres the link:

Please comment, rate, subscribe and send/share them to everyone you know!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Custom Doctor Who Intros

Some of you may of seen my 1986 custom Doctor Who intro I made last year, if you haven't, you can see it here
I am now doing a custom intro for all the versions of the Doctor Who titles (excluding the 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2010 versions) so I am remaking the 1963, 1966, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1982, 1984 and 1987 Doctor Who Intros but instead of the face of the actor who plays the Doctor, it's mine!

Here's a checklist, one X means it's done, two X means it's uploaded to YouTube

1963 [XX]
1966 [XX]
1970 [I am having problems exporting the video as a WMV file, so it wont be uploaded anytime soon :( ]
1973 [XX]
1974 [XX]
1980 [XX]
1982 [XX]
1984 [XX]
1986 [XX]

Monday, April 18, 2011

Martin McLean Show Pilot has made progress!

Hey guys!
I have now written the pilot episode for The Martin McLean Show!
And for even more good news - Ive already started filming it! And I have to say, its been a BIG STRUGGLE, with 6 different characters all played by me, its hard swapping in and out of costumes.

Im starting to edit what I have already filmed, and hopefully film the rest tommorow!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Invisible Girl cast change

Zheeda Botha has resented from the role of Martha from "Invisible Girl"
Alisa Restuccia is the new 'Invisible Girl' :)

The Martin McLean Show update

Im now proud to say I've finished writing the pilot episode, which will be released as the first episode of the series. The first episode is called "The Dare Game" and has a brief introduction to all the main characters: Martin, Martina, Marvin and Marty. I will later introduce more characters as minor people, some of which will include: Marion (Martin's Mum), Martinina (Martina's sister) and others which I have yet to think of. I have already re-edited "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" with the Martin McLean show opening and closing titles, and re-scored the music.

I'm also thinking of turning the Martin McLean Show into a podcast, so you can watch it on YouTube, DVD/video and on iTunes or your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and if you have a Apple TV box hooked up to your Telly you can watch it on that.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Changed my mind...

The short films I have produced, "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" will not be released...
I am starting a series called "The Martin McLean Show" and will feature different characters all played by me. Including Martin and Martina and some new additions, Marvin, M and M, and some others. I will edit the "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" shorts into the series. Im not exactly sure when we will be able to see the pilot episode, but I will be sometime these holidays.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Driving Test - A new short film

I have just finished filming and converting the video tape to DVD for my new short film, "Driving Test"
It stars the same characters as "Drive Thru" who are Martin and Martina (both played by me)
Martin is taking his Driving Test and his instructor ends up bieng Martina, a ghetto drag queen who we ind out has a criminal record and was a big fan on 'One night stands' with other guys!
Im importing it into my editing software now - And luck this film has no blue screening but includeds alot of
'kung fu' style editing and soundeffects.

Drive Thru - posted on YouTube!

Drive Thru is now on YouTube! Sorry about the 'McDonalds' parts, my studio was too brightly lit and because I was using a blue screen. My editing software 'ripped' the video in half, so I had to 'glue' it back together. Click on the link to see Drive Thru.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drive Thru - A new short film

Drive Thru is a new short film written by me (Martin McLean) and inspired by Shane Dawson's "Ghetto Drive Thru from Hell" video. It stars me as 2 different characters of Martin and Martina. Martin pulls up at a McDonald's  drive through window and is served by a drag-queen ghetto named Martina.

I will be posting it to my YouTube channel, but I dont have a link right now because as I type this post, I am transferring it from 8mm video tape to DVD so I can use my computer to 'digitally' edit it, which normally takes about 10 minutes for just a 4 minute video!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Invisible Girl

Hey people!
Im writing and directing a new online drama series, called "Invisible Girl"
It's about a girl named Martha who decideds to make video diarys about her life, and she falls in love with this guy at her school named Lucas. But something tells her it's not going to be as easy as it is in the movies!

I'm actually filming the first episode now. The series stars Zheeda Botha as Martha and is a 'monolouge' style of story.