Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Martin McLean Show update

Im now proud to say I've finished writing the pilot episode, which will be released as the first episode of the series. The first episode is called "The Dare Game" and has a brief introduction to all the main characters: Martin, Martina, Marvin and Marty. I will later introduce more characters as minor people, some of which will include: Marion (Martin's Mum), Martinina (Martina's sister) and others which I have yet to think of. I have already re-edited "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" with the Martin McLean show opening and closing titles, and re-scored the music.

I'm also thinking of turning the Martin McLean Show into a podcast, so you can watch it on YouTube, DVD/video and on iTunes or your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and if you have a Apple TV box hooked up to your Telly you can watch it on that.

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