Monday, June 27, 2011

Space Boy Productions: Social Networks


You can now stay up-to-date with the latest news, status, info, pics, interviews, spoilers and much more by liking or following Space Boy Productions on Facebook or Twitter.

You can like our page on Facebook to recive status updates, info, links, comments and more by going to our Facebook page and clicking 'Like'

Get the latest on the move by following us on Twitter! Just go to our Twitter page, and clicking 'Follow'

Thanks :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

14th Birthday = Special News

Hi Guys,

I'm typing this at 6:25 on the morning of my 14th Birthday - YAY!!!!!

Today, I'm going to give you some presents as well, for, well... Helping to support me and Space Boy Productions through some of the difficult financial troubles and through the actors reunion strike.

Two never-seen-before short films have been uploaded to my YouTube channel (well, you may of seen them before, because one of them was accidentally uploaded instead of another video.) But here they are!

Driving Test - Martin is waiting in his car, for his driving instructor. His driving instructor turns out to be Martina, and if its Martina - one things for sure, its gonna get wild!

Drive Thru - Martin goes to a McDonald drive through window, to be served by a 'ghetto drag queen' named Martina. Martin soon realises that Martina isn't the only disgusting thing there.

PS, please watch the videos on full 1080p high definition and in full screen.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blog + Video = VLog

Hey Guys!

Sorry its been a while since my last blog post, but I've been busy re-decorating my house, loads of essays' from school and stuff like that.

I've decided to start making some video blogs (shortened to 'vlogs') about important stuff, then post them to the Space Boy Productions' YouTube channel and on the Space Boy Productions Facebook page.

This dosent mean I'm going to stop posting on my blog, Im just doing this as an extra thing In my spare time.

At the moment, this is only an experimental test, to see if it will work; if not, I'll go back to just blog posts and status updates on Facebook.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Base built!

Hey guys!

Me (with the help of my set and crew assistant, John McLean, also my Dad) the set has been built for the 'Underground Base' for the Defenders of Earth team!

Its basically my garage, but ive added a desk, some lamps, papers, technical equipment, scanners, TV screens, wires, probes, computers and 'random alien stuff' to make it look more authentic.

Because the floor is paved with concrete, and walls of brick with no proper insulation or thick walls, the sound echoes quite a bit, so this is why I hired my assistant producer, camera man, light/sound man, assistant writer and script editor who also goes by the name of James Legg.

And he will use boom mikes to make sure the sound comes 'direct-from-speech' without echoes, background hum/hissing, cracks, pops, whistles and that dog next door to me barking through takes.

Keep you posted
From Marty :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Release notices

Hey guys!

I'm going to give you some info for the worldwide premier release of "Defenders of Earth"
Even when episode 1 is filmed and edited, it will NOT be released until episode 2 is written, filmed and edited. This is becuase episodes 1 and 2 take place after another, so the end of episode 1 goes straight into the beginning of episode 2.

More release info to come later...

Bye :)