Sunday, June 26, 2011

14th Birthday = Special News

Hi Guys,

I'm typing this at 6:25 on the morning of my 14th Birthday - YAY!!!!!

Today, I'm going to give you some presents as well, for, well... Helping to support me and Space Boy Productions through some of the difficult financial troubles and through the actors reunion strike.

Two never-seen-before short films have been uploaded to my YouTube channel (well, you may of seen them before, because one of them was accidentally uploaded instead of another video.) But here they are!

Driving Test - Martin is waiting in his car, for his driving instructor. His driving instructor turns out to be Martina, and if its Martina - one things for sure, its gonna get wild!

Drive Thru - Martin goes to a McDonald drive through window, to be served by a 'ghetto drag queen' named Martina. Martin soon realises that Martina isn't the only disgusting thing there.

PS, please watch the videos on full 1080p high definition and in full screen.

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