Thursday, May 26, 2011

Music Composers Confirmed!


I have 2 music composers confirmed to score my "Defenders of Earth" series!

I am using music from the Doctor Who Series 1-5 and Torchwood Series 1-3 soundtracks, written by Murray Gold, conducted by Ben Foster and played by the brilliant BBC National Orchestra of Wales! I have already got permission from the BBC to use his soundtrack in my series, they let me off without paying a copyright use fee because its a low budget, non profit fan thing only done for the purpose of fun and entertainment.

I am also using some of Kevin McLeod's scores. He composes brilliant high quality royalty-free music, you can download from his site and use it in basically whatever you want as long as you credit him. He also can compose scores for you specially, but a price is included, so I am just browsing his royalty-free scores and matching them with pictures and videos to get what I want.

Defenders of Earth: Episode 2 in progress!

Hi guys!

Episode 1 of "Defenders of Earth" is now written, entitled "Possessed"
I am now starting to write Episode 2, called "No More Tomorrow" 

The first episode ends on a 'cliff hanger' with a 'Next Time' trailer to show you bits of the next episode. Episode 2 starts immediately after the events of Episode 1. The reason why it is 2 different episodes are because, Putting them together will make it WAY to long for YouTube to handle in HD (and I'm not using normal 480p standard definition) and they both have different stories and putting 2 stories together in one episode would be stupid (even though Doctor Who has done it before in the 1978 Tom Baker story, "The Invasion of Time")

I will keep you posted with more info, as soon as it comes in!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am unlisting my old episodes of "LEGO Doctor Who" from YouTube.

I am NOT deleting them so they will still be available but you cannot search, go to my channel or my videos page to watch them. If you want to still watch them, send me an email to or send me a message on YouTube or Facebook and I will send you the direct links to the video.

From now on you can only watch the episodes if you have the EXACT direct link.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Intro and Credits

I have finally finished the intro and credits for the first episode of "Defenders of Earth"

Here are both the links to see them on YouTube.

Intro for Episode 1:

Credits for Episode 1:

Please watch them in full screen and in 1080p HD quality for the best viewing experience!

ET Defense: Defending Earth with a new name!

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while since my last blog post, I've been busy getting new carpets for my lounge room.

The other day I was telling some people about ET Defence, and I noticed who 'clunky' it was to keep saying "ET Defence" and I was having to repeat myself over and over again to explain what it meant (Extraterrestrial Defence - sorry if I spelt it wrong, I'm not a good speller and my spell checker isn't working) so I went home and decided to come up with a new name, after hours of brainstorming and thinking (not literally hours, I might be exaggerating a bit) I came up with the new name: Defenders of Earth

I also decided to change "Capitan John Walker's" name to something else, so after hours (not exaggerating this time) and using random name generators I found on line, I came up with "Capitan Henry Walker" I still wanted to keep the "Capitan" title and "Walker" as his surname, but I think "Henry" makes a better name.

I have also finished the theme tune for the show, I have also designed the title sequence (what you will see at the start played at the same time with the theme music) and made the closing credits for Episode 1 (the credits that scroll over the screen at the end, while also playing the theme music)

I have still got a bit more work to do on the title sequence (therein referred to as Intro) but there is a layer of video I have to remove because It make it look too busy and crowded and makes it harder to read the screen, The intro and credits are made up of 4 different layers: 1 a purple-red coloured background made up of swirling patterns, 2 a blue layer on top that makes a swirling vortex (or 'wormhole' for all you Stargate fans), 3 is the text taut spears on top of the 2 layers, it has the actors name, and the character their playing in a lime green colour, using the Courier New font so it looks all 'digital' and Microsoft DOS style (remember that???) and the 4th and final layer, I will make (haven't done yet, because I don't have any footage) will be pictures and close-up shots of that particular actor/actress taken from scenes in the show, as their name flashed on the screen so you can relate to who-is-who.

Once I have made the Intro and credits perfectly, to my liking, I will post a link on this blog, so you can see a example of them in High Definition ( Oh yes, forgot to mention, the show will be filmed in HD)

Until then, goodbye!
PS sorry it was so long, I should start doing shorter posts, but more often :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

ET Defense: On its way to Earth!

Hey everyone!

My sci fi/drama show called "ET Defence" will be on its way to Earth soon, with the first episode, titled "Possessed" almost written! My actors have been confirmed and once the script has been finalised, filming can commence! IM SO EXCITED!

I have had my hair cut short for the show, because I think long, curly hair doesn't suit the character that well (especially because he's an undercover, secret agent) and I am thinking about dying it a chocolate-brown colour. Because orange hair my be a bit too much, and all the other actors have brown/black hair and it will look a bit odd.

ET Defence is a bit like a 'spin off' or 'spoof' series based on the BBC shows "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood"

Zac Bruce stars in the main role as Capitan John Walker, Alisa L.R. stars as Elisabeth "Lis" Brown and I (Martin McLean) play the small role of Sam Parker.

I am now currently (as I type this blog post) working on the theme tune and intro for the show. I will post a new blog update with a YouTube link, so you can listen to the theme tune more nearer the release date for episode 1.

More details coming soon...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Martin McLean Show: First Episode wrote!

I have now written the VERY FIRST episode of "The Martin McLean Show" which will be called "Joe Jonas VS Beyoncé" I have the props needed for the episode but have yet still to film it.

If I am lucky (small chances though) I may be able to film it tonight to edit it tomorrow, but i wont have time tomorrow to film AND edit it because I am going to a footy game.

This episode, includes a new intro (similar to the original one I made, but in a higher HD quality and includes all of the characters) and a new theme tune (which this time I wrote and made all by myself from scratch, whereas the original was just some sampled music I put together)

So, I hope (for all sakes) that all goes well tonight and well get it filmed and ready to piece by piece put it together tomorrow. Which on the other hand, will be quicker because I filmed episode 2 and 3 on 8mm video which I had to convert into a digital format to edit it in my editing software, but am filming episode 1 and all others yet to come on a HD digital camera so it will be quicker and the video will be of a more higher quality without the dust, grain and magnetic damage you get from video.