Monday, May 16, 2011

ET Defense: On its way to Earth!

Hey everyone!

My sci fi/drama show called "ET Defence" will be on its way to Earth soon, with the first episode, titled "Possessed" almost written! My actors have been confirmed and once the script has been finalised, filming can commence! IM SO EXCITED!

I have had my hair cut short for the show, because I think long, curly hair doesn't suit the character that well (especially because he's an undercover, secret agent) and I am thinking about dying it a chocolate-brown colour. Because orange hair my be a bit too much, and all the other actors have brown/black hair and it will look a bit odd.

ET Defence is a bit like a 'spin off' or 'spoof' series based on the BBC shows "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood"

Zac Bruce stars in the main role as Capitan John Walker, Alisa L.R. stars as Elisabeth "Lis" Brown and I (Martin McLean) play the small role of Sam Parker.

I am now currently (as I type this blog post) working on the theme tune and intro for the show. I will post a new blog update with a YouTube link, so you can listen to the theme tune more nearer the release date for episode 1.

More details coming soon...

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