Friday, May 20, 2011

ET Defense: Defending Earth with a new name!

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while since my last blog post, I've been busy getting new carpets for my lounge room.

The other day I was telling some people about ET Defence, and I noticed who 'clunky' it was to keep saying "ET Defence" and I was having to repeat myself over and over again to explain what it meant (Extraterrestrial Defence - sorry if I spelt it wrong, I'm not a good speller and my spell checker isn't working) so I went home and decided to come up with a new name, after hours of brainstorming and thinking (not literally hours, I might be exaggerating a bit) I came up with the new name: Defenders of Earth

I also decided to change "Capitan John Walker's" name to something else, so after hours (not exaggerating this time) and using random name generators I found on line, I came up with "Capitan Henry Walker" I still wanted to keep the "Capitan" title and "Walker" as his surname, but I think "Henry" makes a better name.

I have also finished the theme tune for the show, I have also designed the title sequence (what you will see at the start played at the same time with the theme music) and made the closing credits for Episode 1 (the credits that scroll over the screen at the end, while also playing the theme music)

I have still got a bit more work to do on the title sequence (therein referred to as Intro) but there is a layer of video I have to remove because It make it look too busy and crowded and makes it harder to read the screen, The intro and credits are made up of 4 different layers: 1 a purple-red coloured background made up of swirling patterns, 2 a blue layer on top that makes a swirling vortex (or 'wormhole' for all you Stargate fans), 3 is the text taut spears on top of the 2 layers, it has the actors name, and the character their playing in a lime green colour, using the Courier New font so it looks all 'digital' and Microsoft DOS style (remember that???) and the 4th and final layer, I will make (haven't done yet, because I don't have any footage) will be pictures and close-up shots of that particular actor/actress taken from scenes in the show, as their name flashed on the screen so you can relate to who-is-who.

Once I have made the Intro and credits perfectly, to my liking, I will post a link on this blog, so you can see a example of them in High Definition ( Oh yes, forgot to mention, the show will be filmed in HD)

Until then, goodbye!
PS sorry it was so long, I should start doing shorter posts, but more often :)

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