Thursday, May 26, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Episode 2 in progress!

Hi guys!

Episode 1 of "Defenders of Earth" is now written, entitled "Possessed"
I am now starting to write Episode 2, called "No More Tomorrow" 

The first episode ends on a 'cliff hanger' with a 'Next Time' trailer to show you bits of the next episode. Episode 2 starts immediately after the events of Episode 1. The reason why it is 2 different episodes are because, Putting them together will make it WAY to long for YouTube to handle in HD (and I'm not using normal 480p standard definition) and they both have different stories and putting 2 stories together in one episode would be stupid (even though Doctor Who has done it before in the 1978 Tom Baker story, "The Invasion of Time")

I will keep you posted with more info, as soon as it comes in!


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