Monday, December 5, 2011

Teenage Life: Funnier than Ever!

Many of you may know (or not know) of the sitcom series I created in 2010, called "Teenage Life"

It starred James Darby, me and Zheeda Botha and we played a "whacked out" version of our lives. The series was shortly dropped after the pilot episode. However, as I was going through my archives, I found the original 8mm video tapes from the pilot recording and half of the recordings from the second episode. I decided to share the first scene ever from the pilot because it contains one of THE funniest moments in all of my acting/directing or I should say, Film Making career.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


My new short film was released yesterday called "Kill the Fear; Not the Queer"
It is directed to raise awarness against Homophobia (fear/dislike of Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgendered/Transsexual people)

I was surprised at how well it caught on, and the veiws and comments have sky-rocketed within just the first 2 hours of its upload. Here are some of the comments...

A good freind of mine, even shared the video with others via Facebook...

And seeing that post made me cry. (and gained 2 freind requests, lol)
The film has gained over 150 veiws in less that 2 days, wich is outstanding and I have to thank all you guys for helping it to get there.

You can watch the short film here...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lost Lego Doctor Who episodes FOUND!

Hey all! (Does that sound a bit redneck-ish?)

Some of you may know I produced a Lego Doctor Who series in 2008, which continued to run on-and-off until last year (2010) All the episodes were uploaded to the original Space Boy Productions YouTube channel, but when the account was hacked and compromised, I had to re-upload them all again. (Note, this is why there is a number one after the YouTube account name)

During my re-upload of old Lego Doctor Who episodes, some went missing and some were never finished.

I was having a enquring look through some old back up discs from 2008, '09 and '10 and found a few 'missing' episodes!

LAND OFGIANTS was the first to be found, and I went about combining all 3 of 4 survivng parts into one big video to upload to YouTube as part of a "Lego Doctor Who Discovery" thing.

Here is the original 2010 Trailer for "Land of Giants"

Here are 3 of 4 surving parts of the actual episode

After I found Land of Giants, I also found an uncompleted episode, which was set to feature the return of the Doctors oldest enemy (It isnt the cavemen, so think one episode further)

And here is the only episode for 'Revenge of the Daleks"

Th-Th-Thats all folks!
*Da Da Da Da Dadada Da da da da da daaa*

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Space Boy Productions Website!

Hey Guys!
The Space Boy Productions website has moved and 'regenerated'
The new site is now at: (you dont need the capitals)

Take a look round and tell me what you think by dropping me a quick message on the 'Contact' page of the site.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Music Videos!

I'm sorry that I haven't made a blog post in so long.
I have been busy with my school Year 9 Subject Selections and working on Defenders of Earth and I have written a great new short film and a few comedy sketches that I will spend the next few weeks filming.

After I uploaded my Doctor Who "I am the Doctor" Music Video on the Space Boy Productions YouTube channel, I have had many requests via YouTube PMs, channel comments, emails, messages on the Facebook page and tweets on the Twitter page to make music video parodies and re-makes on different songs.
Some of the songs I have considered are:
  • Ghostbusters - Ray Parker, Jnr.
  • Got to be Certain - Kylie Minouge
  • The Loco-motion - Kylie Minouge
  • Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi - Kylie Minouge
  • I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minouge
  • Get Outta My Head (Get into my Dreams) - Billy Ocean
  •  Lovegame - Lady Gaga
  • Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
  • Alejandro - Lady Gaga
  • Telephone (feat. Beyoncé) - Lady Gaga
If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment below, or send me a message via the links to Space Boy Productions social networking sites above.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

YouTube Channel Renovations

After a lot of requests, I have finally gotten round to renovating the Space Boy Productions' YouTube channel.
I have added playlists, so all the 'Lego Doctor Who' videos are grouped together, so they play one after another, all in order and another playlist called "Short Films & Sketches" were you can watch my short films and comedy sketches in order of release date. I will also create a "Defenders of Earth" playlist with all the Series One episodes in it.
Click on the below link to see the new YouTube channel:​yProductions1

Friday, July 29, 2011

Doctor Who treat!

Sorry, I haven't uploaded any videos in a while because I have been busy with school and "Defenders of Earth"
But I decided to treat you all with a Doctor Who video!

The song "I am the Doctor" was written and sung by Jon Pertwee (who played the 3rd Doctor 1970-74) over a very 70s 'disco' Doctor Who theme.

I combined the song with some clips of episodes from the same era, including: Spearhead from Space (1970), Terror of the Autons (1971) and The Dinosaur Invasion (1973)

Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

'Defenders' Cast Confirmed (well, sorta)

Taylah Moylan has been confirmed to play 'Elisabeth Brown' on the upcoming sci fi/drama series, "Defenders of Earth" and Sam Gardner being considered for the lead role if 'Cpt. John Walker' and I am continuing my role as 'Sam Parker'

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Space Boy Productions Ident

Hey Guys!

I have made a new ident that I will use on my YouTube channel and on the DVDs of my latest productions, including: Defenders of Earth, Fred Gets Glasses II, The Dare Game and all other future productions.

You can click here to watch it, please comment on the video to tell me what you all think.

I made a new version because the original didn't show correctly when it was rendered into a wide-screen HD video.

The ident was made using GIMP 2, PowerPoint 2007 and Adobe After Effects CS4.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Space Boy Productions: Social Networks


You can now stay up-to-date with the latest news, status, info, pics, interviews, spoilers and much more by liking or following Space Boy Productions on Facebook or Twitter.

You can like our page on Facebook to recive status updates, info, links, comments and more by going to our Facebook page and clicking 'Like'

Get the latest on the move by following us on Twitter! Just go to our Twitter page, and clicking 'Follow'

Thanks :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

14th Birthday = Special News

Hi Guys,

I'm typing this at 6:25 on the morning of my 14th Birthday - YAY!!!!!

Today, I'm going to give you some presents as well, for, well... Helping to support me and Space Boy Productions through some of the difficult financial troubles and through the actors reunion strike.

Two never-seen-before short films have been uploaded to my YouTube channel (well, you may of seen them before, because one of them was accidentally uploaded instead of another video.) But here they are!

Driving Test - Martin is waiting in his car, for his driving instructor. His driving instructor turns out to be Martina, and if its Martina - one things for sure, its gonna get wild!

Drive Thru - Martin goes to a McDonald drive through window, to be served by a 'ghetto drag queen' named Martina. Martin soon realises that Martina isn't the only disgusting thing there.

PS, please watch the videos on full 1080p high definition and in full screen.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Blog + Video = VLog

Hey Guys!

Sorry its been a while since my last blog post, but I've been busy re-decorating my house, loads of essays' from school and stuff like that.

I've decided to start making some video blogs (shortened to 'vlogs') about important stuff, then post them to the Space Boy Productions' YouTube channel and on the Space Boy Productions Facebook page.

This dosent mean I'm going to stop posting on my blog, Im just doing this as an extra thing In my spare time.

At the moment, this is only an experimental test, to see if it will work; if not, I'll go back to just blog posts and status updates on Facebook.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Base built!

Hey guys!

Me (with the help of my set and crew assistant, John McLean, also my Dad) the set has been built for the 'Underground Base' for the Defenders of Earth team!

Its basically my garage, but ive added a desk, some lamps, papers, technical equipment, scanners, TV screens, wires, probes, computers and 'random alien stuff' to make it look more authentic.

Because the floor is paved with concrete, and walls of brick with no proper insulation or thick walls, the sound echoes quite a bit, so this is why I hired my assistant producer, camera man, light/sound man, assistant writer and script editor who also goes by the name of James Legg.

And he will use boom mikes to make sure the sound comes 'direct-from-speech' without echoes, background hum/hissing, cracks, pops, whistles and that dog next door to me barking through takes.

Keep you posted
From Marty :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Release notices

Hey guys!

I'm going to give you some info for the worldwide premier release of "Defenders of Earth"
Even when episode 1 is filmed and edited, it will NOT be released until episode 2 is written, filmed and edited. This is becuase episodes 1 and 2 take place after another, so the end of episode 1 goes straight into the beginning of episode 2.

More release info to come later...

Bye :)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Music Composers Confirmed!


I have 2 music composers confirmed to score my "Defenders of Earth" series!

I am using music from the Doctor Who Series 1-5 and Torchwood Series 1-3 soundtracks, written by Murray Gold, conducted by Ben Foster and played by the brilliant BBC National Orchestra of Wales! I have already got permission from the BBC to use his soundtrack in my series, they let me off without paying a copyright use fee because its a low budget, non profit fan thing only done for the purpose of fun and entertainment.

I am also using some of Kevin McLeod's scores. He composes brilliant high quality royalty-free music, you can download from his site and use it in basically whatever you want as long as you credit him. He also can compose scores for you specially, but a price is included, so I am just browsing his royalty-free scores and matching them with pictures and videos to get what I want.

Defenders of Earth: Episode 2 in progress!

Hi guys!

Episode 1 of "Defenders of Earth" is now written, entitled "Possessed"
I am now starting to write Episode 2, called "No More Tomorrow" 

The first episode ends on a 'cliff hanger' with a 'Next Time' trailer to show you bits of the next episode. Episode 2 starts immediately after the events of Episode 1. The reason why it is 2 different episodes are because, Putting them together will make it WAY to long for YouTube to handle in HD (and I'm not using normal 480p standard definition) and they both have different stories and putting 2 stories together in one episode would be stupid (even though Doctor Who has done it before in the 1978 Tom Baker story, "The Invasion of Time")

I will keep you posted with more info, as soon as it comes in!


Saturday, May 21, 2011


I am unlisting my old episodes of "LEGO Doctor Who" from YouTube.

I am NOT deleting them so they will still be available but you cannot search, go to my channel or my videos page to watch them. If you want to still watch them, send me an email to or send me a message on YouTube or Facebook and I will send you the direct links to the video.

From now on you can only watch the episodes if you have the EXACT direct link.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Defenders of Earth: Intro and Credits

I have finally finished the intro and credits for the first episode of "Defenders of Earth"

Here are both the links to see them on YouTube.

Intro for Episode 1:

Credits for Episode 1:

Please watch them in full screen and in 1080p HD quality for the best viewing experience!

ET Defense: Defending Earth with a new name!

Hey guys!
Sorry it's been a while since my last blog post, I've been busy getting new carpets for my lounge room.

The other day I was telling some people about ET Defence, and I noticed who 'clunky' it was to keep saying "ET Defence" and I was having to repeat myself over and over again to explain what it meant (Extraterrestrial Defence - sorry if I spelt it wrong, I'm not a good speller and my spell checker isn't working) so I went home and decided to come up with a new name, after hours of brainstorming and thinking (not literally hours, I might be exaggerating a bit) I came up with the new name: Defenders of Earth

I also decided to change "Capitan John Walker's" name to something else, so after hours (not exaggerating this time) and using random name generators I found on line, I came up with "Capitan Henry Walker" I still wanted to keep the "Capitan" title and "Walker" as his surname, but I think "Henry" makes a better name.

I have also finished the theme tune for the show, I have also designed the title sequence (what you will see at the start played at the same time with the theme music) and made the closing credits for Episode 1 (the credits that scroll over the screen at the end, while also playing the theme music)

I have still got a bit more work to do on the title sequence (therein referred to as Intro) but there is a layer of video I have to remove because It make it look too busy and crowded and makes it harder to read the screen, The intro and credits are made up of 4 different layers: 1 a purple-red coloured background made up of swirling patterns, 2 a blue layer on top that makes a swirling vortex (or 'wormhole' for all you Stargate fans), 3 is the text taut spears on top of the 2 layers, it has the actors name, and the character their playing in a lime green colour, using the Courier New font so it looks all 'digital' and Microsoft DOS style (remember that???) and the 4th and final layer, I will make (haven't done yet, because I don't have any footage) will be pictures and close-up shots of that particular actor/actress taken from scenes in the show, as their name flashed on the screen so you can relate to who-is-who.

Once I have made the Intro and credits perfectly, to my liking, I will post a link on this blog, so you can see a example of them in High Definition ( Oh yes, forgot to mention, the show will be filmed in HD)

Until then, goodbye!
PS sorry it was so long, I should start doing shorter posts, but more often :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

ET Defense: On its way to Earth!

Hey everyone!

My sci fi/drama show called "ET Defence" will be on its way to Earth soon, with the first episode, titled "Possessed" almost written! My actors have been confirmed and once the script has been finalised, filming can commence! IM SO EXCITED!

I have had my hair cut short for the show, because I think long, curly hair doesn't suit the character that well (especially because he's an undercover, secret agent) and I am thinking about dying it a chocolate-brown colour. Because orange hair my be a bit too much, and all the other actors have brown/black hair and it will look a bit odd.

ET Defence is a bit like a 'spin off' or 'spoof' series based on the BBC shows "Doctor Who" and "Torchwood"

Zac Bruce stars in the main role as Capitan John Walker, Alisa L.R. stars as Elisabeth "Lis" Brown and I (Martin McLean) play the small role of Sam Parker.

I am now currently (as I type this blog post) working on the theme tune and intro for the show. I will post a new blog update with a YouTube link, so you can listen to the theme tune more nearer the release date for episode 1.

More details coming soon...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Martin McLean Show: First Episode wrote!

I have now written the VERY FIRST episode of "The Martin McLean Show" which will be called "Joe Jonas VS Beyoncé" I have the props needed for the episode but have yet still to film it.

If I am lucky (small chances though) I may be able to film it tonight to edit it tomorrow, but i wont have time tomorrow to film AND edit it because I am going to a footy game.

This episode, includes a new intro (similar to the original one I made, but in a higher HD quality and includes all of the characters) and a new theme tune (which this time I wrote and made all by myself from scratch, whereas the original was just some sampled music I put together)

So, I hope (for all sakes) that all goes well tonight and well get it filmed and ready to piece by piece put it together tomorrow. Which on the other hand, will be quicker because I filmed episode 2 and 3 on 8mm video which I had to convert into a digital format to edit it in my editing software, but am filming episode 1 and all others yet to come on a HD digital camera so it will be quicker and the video will be of a more higher quality without the dust, grain and magnetic damage you get from video.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Custom Doctor Who Titles

I've now finished and uploaded them! (well kind of - the 1970 Jon Pertwee version is not up yet becuase the video wont export as a WMV file, but I will have it up soon)

Heres the link:

Please comment, rate, subscribe and send/share them to everyone you know!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Custom Doctor Who Intros

Some of you may of seen my 1986 custom Doctor Who intro I made last year, if you haven't, you can see it here
I am now doing a custom intro for all the versions of the Doctor Who titles (excluding the 2005, 2006, 2009 and 2010 versions) so I am remaking the 1963, 1966, 1970, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1982, 1984 and 1987 Doctor Who Intros but instead of the face of the actor who plays the Doctor, it's mine!

Here's a checklist, one X means it's done, two X means it's uploaded to YouTube

1963 [XX]
1966 [XX]
1970 [I am having problems exporting the video as a WMV file, so it wont be uploaded anytime soon :( ]
1973 [XX]
1974 [XX]
1980 [XX]
1982 [XX]
1984 [XX]
1986 [XX]

Monday, April 18, 2011

Martin McLean Show Pilot has made progress!

Hey guys!
I have now written the pilot episode for The Martin McLean Show!
And for even more good news - Ive already started filming it! And I have to say, its been a BIG STRUGGLE, with 6 different characters all played by me, its hard swapping in and out of costumes.

Im starting to edit what I have already filmed, and hopefully film the rest tommorow!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Invisible Girl cast change

Zheeda Botha has resented from the role of Martha from "Invisible Girl"
Alisa Restuccia is the new 'Invisible Girl' :)

The Martin McLean Show update

Im now proud to say I've finished writing the pilot episode, which will be released as the first episode of the series. The first episode is called "The Dare Game" and has a brief introduction to all the main characters: Martin, Martina, Marvin and Marty. I will later introduce more characters as minor people, some of which will include: Marion (Martin's Mum), Martinina (Martina's sister) and others which I have yet to think of. I have already re-edited "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" with the Martin McLean show opening and closing titles, and re-scored the music.

I'm also thinking of turning the Martin McLean Show into a podcast, so you can watch it on YouTube, DVD/video and on iTunes or your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and if you have a Apple TV box hooked up to your Telly you can watch it on that.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Changed my mind...

The short films I have produced, "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" will not be released...
I am starting a series called "The Martin McLean Show" and will feature different characters all played by me. Including Martin and Martina and some new additions, Marvin, M and M, and some others. I will edit the "Drive Thru" and "Driving Test" shorts into the series. Im not exactly sure when we will be able to see the pilot episode, but I will be sometime these holidays.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Driving Test - A new short film

I have just finished filming and converting the video tape to DVD for my new short film, "Driving Test"
It stars the same characters as "Drive Thru" who are Martin and Martina (both played by me)
Martin is taking his Driving Test and his instructor ends up bieng Martina, a ghetto drag queen who we ind out has a criminal record and was a big fan on 'One night stands' with other guys!
Im importing it into my editing software now - And luck this film has no blue screening but includeds alot of
'kung fu' style editing and soundeffects.

Drive Thru - posted on YouTube!

Drive Thru is now on YouTube! Sorry about the 'McDonalds' parts, my studio was too brightly lit and because I was using a blue screen. My editing software 'ripped' the video in half, so I had to 'glue' it back together. Click on the link to see Drive Thru.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Drive Thru - A new short film

Drive Thru is a new short film written by me (Martin McLean) and inspired by Shane Dawson's "Ghetto Drive Thru from Hell" video. It stars me as 2 different characters of Martin and Martina. Martin pulls up at a McDonald's  drive through window and is served by a drag-queen ghetto named Martina.

I will be posting it to my YouTube channel, but I dont have a link right now because as I type this post, I am transferring it from 8mm video tape to DVD so I can use my computer to 'digitally' edit it, which normally takes about 10 minutes for just a 4 minute video!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Invisible Girl

Hey people!
Im writing and directing a new online drama series, called "Invisible Girl"
It's about a girl named Martha who decideds to make video diarys about her life, and she falls in love with this guy at her school named Lucas. But something tells her it's not going to be as easy as it is in the movies!

I'm actually filming the first episode now. The series stars Zheeda Botha as Martha and is a 'monolouge' style of story.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Attention all "As The World Turns" fans!

I will be combining all the scenes that include or to do with Luke and Noah from the American soap-opera "As The World Turns" ATWT is the second longest running TV show in the word. It ran on CBS from May 1953 to October 2010. So Doctor Who is still the longest running show, from November 1963 to present!

I will post links when I upload the videos!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sydney Mardi Gras 2011

I have made a video on the 2011 Sydney GLBT festival.
To watch the video on YouTube, click on the below link
If anyones wondering why I would make a GLBT video, it's becuase I'm gay - That's right IM OUT AND PROUD!! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fred Gets Glasses

Hey its Fred!
I made a Fred video the other day and finally I have posted to YouTube!
Staring me (Marty McLean) as Fred Figglehorn!
I may plan on creating a series, but for now this is just a one off video I did for fun.
Tell me what you think by watching it here

Marty McLean

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Lego Doctor Who Series Coming Soon...

A brand new series featuring 10 episodes of Lego Doctor Who will be released soon.
I will continue to post to Facebook, YouTube, my website and my blog  with production news, updates, behind the scenes videos and pictures!

Marty McLean